Is this an animal rescue center?
Do they provide pet home visit consultation with no additional charges?
Do they have Pet Adoption / Sales / Purchase services available here?
Do they provide Pets or Dog Mating / Breeding / Crossing Services here?
Do they perform surgeries, radiographs, X-rays, and emergency services?
No, we are not performing any major emergency surgeries for now.
What is the best number to reach 'Smart Vet India'?
Call +91 (701)-901-3960 or Just click the link to connect on Whatsapp:
Is this an animal rescue center?
Do they provide pet home visit consultation with no additional charges?
Do they have Pet Adoption / Sales / Purchase services available here?
Do they provide Pets or Dog Mating / Breeding / Crossing Services here?
Do they perform surgeries, radiographs, X-rays, and emergency services?
No, we are not performing any major emergency surgeries for now.
What is the best number to reach 'Smart Vet India'?
Call +91 (701)-901-3960 or Just click the link to connect on Whatsapp:
Is this an animal rescue center?
Do they provide pet home visit consultation with no additional charges?
Do they have an emergency contact?
This is not an emergency service. For information call +91 (701)-901-3960 or Just click the link to connect on Whatsapp:
How to interact after Business Hours?
The best way to leave a message after business hours is to drop a message or email. Messages received after business hours are answered as soon as possible, but no later than the next business day. Call +91 (701)-901-3960 or Just click the link to connect on Whatsapp:
What are the hospital hours?
Monday-Sunday: 06:30 pm - 07:30 pm
By appointment only
Do you follow any covid19 Protocal?
The COVID pandemic has been hard on everybody and we appreciate your understanding while we navigate the challenges of keeping our small business open while protecting our clients and all of our families.
Our office is open for all services.
We require that everyone wear a face mask at our premises.
We didn’t enact the mandate and we are just as eager as you to get to the end of the COVID pandemic.